Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Week of the Police Academy

Where to start?!?!? Well, for one thing, I no longer think becoming a police officer is simple! We have gone over 3 chapters of a 400-500 page book, not including the Texas Penal Code, TX Constitution, Texas Occupational Code, and the TCLEOSE officer requirements! Physical training has kicked my hiney! The first day wasn't so bad; we just did baseline testing to figure out where we need to be at the end of academy (17 weeks) weight wise, strength wise, endurance (running), and actual weight lifting. I must say, I'm pretty proud of myself though... I outlifted all of the boys (and the one girl) in every test except for the biceps!!
On Monday, we are expected to run 1 1/2 miles at 4:00 pm in 102 degree weather! Geeze! I sure I hope I don't pass out or throw up in front of everyone!! Running is the biggest thing I'm afraid of. I've never been a runner, plus I smoke like a mad woman! I'm trying to quit smoking, but I've realized that I'm truly ADDICTED to nicotine, yuck! I have been constantly looking at anti-smoking campaigns and people with lung cancer online trying to scare myself out of smoking... damnit, it hasn't worked so far!

As far as I'm going, I was actually diagnosed with insomnia last Thursday. For anyone who hasn't experienced it, it's the WORST thing in my life... I'd rather go through labor again! When I saw my psych about it, he prescribed me Ambien, which didn't work. He then gave me Lunesta the next day. That put me to sleep for about 3 hours. I have gone 4 1/2 weeks on about 60 hours of sleep (the normal person would get 240 hours of sleep in this same time period). When he gave me the Lunesta and told me I would most likely benefit from it, I cried and thanked him a million times! Funny thing about taking a sleep aide... Brian found me in the backyard in my cami and panties rolling around with the dogs... what the heck?!?!?

My daughter is growing up too fast... I now wish I had learned when everyone said "cherish every moment"! Not to say I haven't done so, but it's just gone by too fast! She loves the water... she screams to get in the sink every time I wash the dishes. When I stand her on a chair nest to me, she just HAS to put her arms in the sink and she tries to pull herself in. She says Mama and Dada, Bob-Bob (my dad's grandfatherly name), more (sounds more like "mo, mo!"), again, and thack jew (thank you). I couldn't imagine my life without her. I let her sit on the counter the other day while I cleaned the kitchen and when I looked over at her, I realized she had gotten into the sugar jar and was eating it straight off the scoop while throwing it EVERYWHERE! I spent so much time mopping the floor, cleaning out the stove, rewashing the dishes, and she actually had sugar ALL inside of her diaper, haha! She didn't get in trouble because I just figure she's been a normal, inquisitive toddler. We are working on a couple of projects right now, including making a quilt from all of her old baby clothes she's grown out of and making her little aprons out of cute dishtowels. I will post pics soon. Also, I've pulled out the acrylics and started painting abstracts again! I love it!

My new stress reliever, though is now shooting my Sig Sauer 9 mm pistol. I shot for the first time the other day and, I have to say, I kicked MAJOR BOOTY!!

Oh yeah, since November 2008, I have lost55 pounds and am now down to a size 6!! Holy moly! I'm really proud! Now, I just have to work on tightening up my tummy!

It's now time for bed... I've already taken my sleepy-time pill, so I know I will have to double check this post in the morning to make sure I haven't put anything super weird in here.

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