It has been a while since my last blog... my dear friend Alicia keeps telling me to update, so here goes.
First off, a little explanation why I have been absent for so long. I actually planned on creating this elaborate blog page and started getting the hang of Photoshop, but then my computer grew a brain of its own and decided to retire! Seriously, it refused to turn on anymore. We took it to this teeny tiny repair shop (which was ironic because the name of the store is Computer Giant) and they said after three weeks and three different prices, that it would cost $423 dollars to fix it (that's after a promise it would only take three days and $79.99 to fix the laptop). Well, after that third call I kind of lost it with the repair technician and told him he could take his hard drive and shove it in someone else's [eh-hem]. So, needless to say, the guy did not fix my computer, dang hot-headed temper! He was able to recover my pictures (no projects though) so he charged me $45 for the disc... grrrr.
So then I was stuck with a broken computer. My sweet mother in law, Betty (MIL from here on out) brought her laptop over for us to borrow because she knew we were too lazy to hook up the desktop again. Well, her kindness connected me to the virtual world, but it took longer than stinkin' dial up! I mean, we have high speed internet at my house, but this computer is so slowwww that once, when I was bidding on an ebay item that was about to expire in 2 minutes and 9 seconds, I missed the whole auction just trying to sign in and place my bid!
Great, now I have a no-brain laptop and a laptop running off of a steam engine! Okay, that was a really dumb metaphor, but whatever, you get the point.
Well, two weeks ago my father in law, Billy (FIL from here on out) took our computer to the school where he works so the computer guy there could fix it... he ordered the parts and when he installed the new parts, the computer crashed again within just a few minutes... so, he gave us a new laptop and kept the old one to work on as a project. SWEET!
Thanksgiving was great this year. I was in charge of bringing sweet potato casserole, and let me tell you, it was scrumptious! I made it with orange juice, marshmallow cream, cinnamon, etc. Oh yeah, and sweet potatoes. Even my husband, who hates sweet potatoes ate some... he actually said he liked it too! I had to make enough to feed 50 plus people at my Nana's house in Belton... I looked like a total weirdo walking through Wal-Mart with 32 sweet potatoes. I'm not sure where I came up with the number 32, but I just filled up 6 bags and bought them. I baked them all too..... my house stunk for a long time, in fact, I think I can still smell them! Regardless, they were good, the family was good, the time spent together was good. I laughed a lot and learned some new things about my family. For instance, my cousin Adam is basically this AWESOME photographer that I never knew about... he has travelled all over the world and taken pictures for National Geographic... check out his ABSOLUTELY AMAZING pictures at and let me know what you think! He took a few family pictures of everyone... he even did one of just me, Brian, and Brilye which I cannot wait to see!
My job at the police department is still super exciting, but I am looking for a new job now with steady hours and more responsibility. I applied at Baylor where a couple of friends work, and I went and tested yesterday for clerical skills. I did pretty well on my tests, so everyone cross your fingers. They said it will take a couple of weeks for my scores to be forwarded to the correct department, but that I should definitely hear something back.
So, this has been a little long, but I wanted to catch you all up on what's been going on. Brilye is doing fantabulous.... she is almost seven months old! Brian is loving his new job... he has more freedom and a lot of responsibility. My sister, Kim is pregnant with a boy! She is due in April around Easter weekend (super excited for her!!) And yes, Alicia, that means I will be needing one of your amazing wall plaques!
So here I am... I need to install Photoshop now and get to work on my page... all tips will be appreciated... uhh, that's informational tips, not monetery, unless you really want to ;-)