As I was un"starring" the screws (no screwdriver used here, just a star wrench) I realized I couldn't reach the back corner. *DING DING DING- Just crawl underneath the mattress bars* So, as I am underneath the crib trying to balance the bars from crashing down on me and unstaring at the same time, I realized Brilye's mobile is terrifying! She has been sleeping in her crib now for a month and a half, but when we lay her in it during the day, she screams! Now I know why! The bug mobile my aunt and uncle got her is absolutely horrifying! BEADY LITTLE EYES! SHIMMERING ANTENNAE! DIVE-BOMBING INSECTS! Oh my gosh!!

My poor baby. She loves these bugs when we're standing next to them :-\ Then I realized that we must look scary too. At that exact moment Brian walked in the room. He just knew I'd lost my mind when I told him about the attack bugs. He agreed to hold Brilye up next to them so I could see if an unsuspecting person was funny-looking from this angle too. You decide.

Seriously, there are some people in this family (no names, but they're not on my side) with a case of nasty nostrils... they're hairy and long and pointy... imagine that from her angle!!
Lastly, I realized that I have placed my baby in her own prison... probably about 20 times a day, everyday! Her perspective is scary... her crib, her carseat (with the funny front bars), her play gym... what else??? I figured I would show you my view of baby prison... it was scary and I started to feel clausterphobic! My poor baby... maybe I should just let her sleep with me, and I will start riding my bike everywhere so she doesn't have to use the carseat, and I will just paint her whole ceiling with funny things so she won't need a play gym... yeah, right. She'll grow out of it eventually, right? I mean, toddler beds are only around the corner!